28 June 2007

1st book of the bible...

No. This is going to be a religious blog. Not even a religious entry.

This is about three men I visited today. The works of these men stayed besides men through most of my life. Two weeks after seeing Peter Gabriel's great show in Mayence, Tiger, Zebra and I went to Stuttgart to see Genesis.

Though Peter's has been perfect, he had left out these most spectacular elements, which characterized his last tour. The sound of todays show has been a match to PG's show, although the bass has been much stronger. Well, PGs show has been for about 5000 people whereas this one had about 40000.

What mad this show really special, was not this impressigve bass. It was not the most fabulous drum duett between Chester and Phil, or seeing Phil the entertainer throwing around his tambourine and bashing it with every part of his body one can punch with.

It has been the great lightshow, which perfectly matched the the music. This has been a very good example of how a show could look like. One could feel, that these guys really had fun doing their job. And that there is a reason, why they perform it for so many years.

In short: Great show.

25 June 2007


i like zucchini. Especially,. if they're filled with brown rice, mongoose beans and some other vegetables. This collaborative meal was a tasty start into a very nice, interesting and fun evening. I hope this is to be continued. :-D

10 June 2007

Another cooking session

Today, I had another cooking session with Tiger, resulting in a phenomenal menu. My task was the starter for which I created lemongrass skewers of salmon and vegetables together with a fresh mint dip. For main dish Tiger made some asparagus au gratin and a creme brulée for dessert, which tasted really good, but there's still some space concerning the texture. Well next time, we use the right tools and not the oven. ;-)

Now I'm full and need to get some rest in order to digest all of this. I think the improvised skewers with the mint dip are going to become a part of my cookbook. :-D

6 June 2007

melted away

There's one thing every user knows. Updating the operating system usually is a good thing. Yesterday, my Fedora 7 download finished and so I tried the installation today which revealed an unexpected and unusual result. The processor fan has somewhen been melted away from the static cooler.

Well, okay this has not directly been recognized by the installation routine, but by a surprised me, when opening the case to add another dvd drive as the fan tumbled out.
Well, that's quality. :-(

2 June 2007

The end...

Yesterday has been a dark day for a lot of people, including me.

Instead of starting a second season, Mind Candy - the company behind the Perplexcity ARG - released the whole pxc staff and according to their current recruiting page, it looks like the company is now going to focus on creating toys for children. :-(

I can't believe they did that. As for now, only Dan, Adrian, Andrea, Naomi and David already said farewell to Mind Candy in their blogs. But no one wrote why they had to leave. I'm curious, when and what Michael will give a statement on these incidents.

Well. For now, it looks like I'd have to look for something new, although this experience can never be replaced. Thanks to all of the pxc staff and all of the players for creating this unique experience.

Now, I'll always regret of not going to any of the live events. :-(

And like rose said on unfiction:
Thanks [to all] for posting and saying good-bye (for now). Thanks for all your great work on Perplexcity. It has been quite a ride.

I know all the players wish you the best and want to keep up with you and your projects. Keep in touch.

Best of luck.

Another try

Today, I had another go at the tarte. Well, it was better than the original version last time. Unfortunately not perfect yet, as the asparagus has been too bitter. :-(